
Introduction to CNCA

CNCA ‐ Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità di Accoglienza (National Coordination of Care Communities) was established in Turin in 1982.

It is a Federation of about 250 Third‐Sector organisations, located in 19 out of 20 regions in Italy, including social cooperatives, support centers, care and treatment communities, etc.

CNCA is active in all fields of disadvantage and marginalisation, with the aim of promoting citizens’ rights and social well‐being. Its main aim is to foster debate and channel the views of member organisations, in order to contribute to local and national development on social and economic policies and on the organisation of social services, in the different fields of intervention.

The guiding principles sustaining CNCA are translated in the idea of “welcoming communities”, able to provide guidance, solidarity and support to everybody’s life, and in particular to disadvantaged people.

CNCA works with: problematic drug and alcohol users and people addicted to gambling, prisoners and ex‐offenders, physically and mentally disabled people, homeless people, women and children victims of trafficking for exploitation, people affected by AIDS, migrants, unemployed, children and young people with personal and family problems on social integration and community involvement initiatives.

To pursue the above‐mentioned aims, the Federation’s main activities are the following:

  • promote exchanges between local experiences; develop a cultural and political presence, in order to translate the daily experience with disadvantaged people into a project;
  • implement research on social change and individual characteristics of disadvantaged populations;
  • organise training, educational and counselling initiatives, in order to improve the effectiveness of services managed by the member organisations;
  • promote labour market inclusion of disadvantaged people, through cooperation between public and private organisations, on the basis of the 276/03 Italian law;
  • provide advice and support to people with any type of disability;
  • define possible common actions to fulfil the aims of the Federation;


Via di Santa Maria Maggiore, 148 – 00184 Roma

Tel. +39 06-44230403
Cell. +39 348-8017100
Fax +39 06-44117455

segreteria@cnca.it – www.cnca.it

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